WELCOME ! To the NEW Visions Into The Past - ParaPsychic Consultants BLOG!
Tech Guru Mike here and I'll be making every attempt to keep everyone updated on the status of Radio Shows, updates to a new website and maybe some unique little tidbits here and there about upcoming events with the Visions Into The Past team!
TODAY: we are currently in the process of shifting the website to a new host. Unfortunately due to the current web host changing terms of the contract and scaling back the available bandwidth and web storage to the existing package we subscribed to we need to move to another host. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to provide ANY recorded shows under their new terms.
I personally will be working to get the iTunes show archive up and published as well as a NEW website as soon as possible. Keep an eye out here on the blog for more information.
If anyone has suggestions for web hosts with excellent bandwidth, lots of storage for minimal price and lots of variety to make our web pages more user friendly for our audience please send suggestions to mike.e.kalinowski@gmail.com.
For now if you would like to check our our website in it's current state please check out www.visionsintothepast.com. And be sure to listen live to our weekly internet radio show currently hosted by ParaQuestRadioNetwork.
As always, the Visions Into The Past team really appreciates all the suggestions, feedback and support we get from our audience and we strive to provide excellent entertainment on air and very professional educational support at our events. As a functioning non-profit any costs we currently have to pay for web services come out of our own pockets. If you would like to donate to the development of our website please visit www.visionsintothepast.com and check out the PayPal option or contact our resident Psychic Dee Dove at visionsintothepast@live.com. Please indicate that you are donating for something specific so we allocate the funds properly. All donations will get a mention on the air and a personal Thank You from the team and in the future hopefully we'll have some small tokens of thanks we can send to our donating audience!