Saturday, August 20, 2011

Visions Into The Past Paranormal is experiencing Metamorphosis!

That's RIGHT! The Visions Into The Past - Paranormal team is reforming and developing NEW websites, NEW fun stuff for our audience and a NEW look and feel to an already awesome team! The whole team is working together after a recent meeting and major decisions to develop something audience driven with major focus on providing much more charity work, free investigations, more content (yes, LOTS more content) and some awesome involvement from amazing teams we are all affiliated with! We are still Visions Into The Past but now we are working on our new website Bear and Squirrel will be continuing the radio show with surprise guest hosts every week! The team is working together to make our team meetings more open to the public and work in some amazing ideas to our investigations! Basically Visions Into The Past is having a major reconstructive surgery with a guaranteed better outcome!

Be sure to check out the radio show EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 9-11pm (eastern) with Bear & Squirrel (*A.k.a Tech Guru Mike) only on and surprise guest hosts EVERY WEEK! For more information keep an eye on the blog here and be sure to check us out and also on iTunes under podcasts "visionsintothepast".

Thanks for hanging in with us everyone! You all are the reason we strive to succeed together and want to provide amazing things to all of you. We appreciate every ounce of support and love all of ya!

Thanks for all you all do! See you all when we complete this new awesome transition!

A.k.a. Squirrelpio