Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ESP - Submission from Chris B; Visions Into The Past

The following submission is from Chris, investigative team member of Visions Into The Past in charge of Investigation Procedure Development. Everyone at Eastern State Penitentiary experienced something great in their own unique way. Each can recount what they felt and as more reports continue to come in you will see them published here on the blog. Enjoy the night’s recount by Chris B of Visions Into The Past;

     To say Eastern State Penitentiary is “Haunted” is a complete understatement. On my scale of “Haunted 1-10 (10 being “way outta control”) Eastern State Penitentiary is easily a 50! Let’s start with the very second I saw “the wall” (front of building), my brain wanted to explode with excitement, as I’m sure the same was experienced with the rest of our team/teams! Walking through these cell blocks really brings you back. I could just feel the sorrow, madness, pain etc… while walking around. I could have spent days looking at everything. It is as I had gone to Heaven. The place was so beautiful. Trees were growing up through the floors, walls and everywhere. All I could muster was “WOW!” For the next few hours I, with best bud Shannon in tow, walked and walked… and walked all the while “oooooing” and “awhhhing”  taking photos the whole time. A few times, oddly, my equipment started shutting off. Everything all had fresh batteries. I thought it was odd. As our afternoon came to a close we all got rounded up to head back and prepare for our very candid, “to die for” night. Upon returning, again a feeling of “WOW!” but a completely different feeling. If u thought the place is menacing during the day, now that it’s dark it’s a whole new cup of tea! After what seemed to be forever, they finally let us in to set up. There was so much equipment to bring in (everyone’s stuff for all three teams). So in the spirit of “Paranormal Unity” we all chipped in and brought it in to set up quickly so we could all get to investigating.  
     As we got to home base everyone got to work. It was like clockwork. Once everyone was set up and raring to go, it was very clear, even from the start stuff was starting to happen. I was trying out my laser pointer I walked up to the big intimidating, very rusted doors of cell block 6 and shined it down. “WHAT THE…fffffffff!”  A very dark mass darted out from left to right hitting my laser. The crazy thing is it blocked out my laser almost completely. All I could think was it seemed weird and startling.  I thought, “well, cool I’ll make a note”, Once everything else was set up we grabbed the tour guide and headed to “the hole” A.K.A. “The Klondike”.(not a place anyone wanted to go!) Walking down the same hall, I walked today felt very different, as if hundreds of eyes were peering at you. Not cool! It was very unsettling. As we all stuffed in the hole (A VERY cramped small hallway) we were snapping pics, recording video and EVP’s. We were down there for some time. All of the sudden Mike K (Visions Into The Past – Tech Guru) heard a noise behind him, it appeared to be someone walking approaching the Klondike. Maybe it was one of the guards to check on us or tour guides? Which I heard also. As he went to check it out, I was also very curious so I got up to check it out too. I started to take pics and again I heard something. “WTF?!?!” I took a shot from bottom of the stairs shooting up. As the camera took the pic, I distinctly heard a noise outside. I proceeded up the stairs and as my head broke the plain of the ground, “ooooo my god what was that?!?!”.  I heard 6 steps (on gravel) coming out of the cell block 14 directly above us.  “HELLLLLO????” I asked expecting another group to pop out....*silence*...... nothing…. “hmmmmm cool” I thought! A very awesome experience! One for the books! 
     As we moved on I told everyone what I heard. They thought it was cool as well. On to death row (Cellblock 15). This place scared me a lot! It’s not a great place at all. As soon as I walked in and stayed left near what I believe is a big fuse box, my head started to pound. Right between my eyes hurt so badly! I just wanted out! So that’s what I did, I had to walk out of there. What did this mean? I don’t know. I will tell you what though; I don’t ever want to have that happen again!
Going up one more cell block (Cellblock 2) just before meeting back up at home base, we stopped to snap some pics, etc… when all of a sudden “BANG!”  What the heck was that??? Shannon was jumping back from a cell scared to death!  Visibly shaken she had 2 sit and relax. This experience really got her blood moving, Mike K really got a kick out of her excitement as he was looking in the same cell through a different door right next to her and whatever it was decided to bang on her door, not his!  As we collected ourselves we headed back to base to regroup, get new batteries, etc... The time was flying and we didn’t realize we had spend 1/3 of the investigation time just on the first trip. We began to realize that the night was coming to an end very quickly and I was getting bummed! The second third of our investigation took us to an extremely active Cellblock 12. But I’ll have to explain that one in detail another time.
     As we realized we only had time for one more really good investigation, someone which I think was Julie (Visions Into The Past – Spirit Photographer), wanted to go to cell block 4. This is where the fun starts. I had made my way to the end of the cell and I started snapping more pics with my bud Chris (Quiet Hour Paranormal). He noticed a black mass moving out of the corner of his eye and yelled to me. “HEY! You See that?” So I looked in that direction and I saw something dart from one cell to another and thought “Holy s--t! I saw it too WOOOOO!” So then this crazy idea hits me like a ton of bricks. It was overwhelming and consuming. It was an interestingly emotional moment. All of a sudden I yell out “HEY! Everyone SHHHHHHHH, Let’s Turn off EVERY Light and turn on every piece of Equipment and run a silent EVP session”. Everyone was like “good idea!”  Basically everyone started to sit down (which seemed odd) and one by one everyone’s lights went out and things got quiet. This crazy feeling changed in me from fright and confusion to peace and relief. This is wild, why am I feeling like this? We were silent for some time. I felt like I lost track of time. For however long this first quiet session lasted I have no recollection of it. It was as if I wasn’t there. Now I’m bugged out but I didn’t tell anyone until now. All of the sudden, we regroup and proceeded to do it again. I’m a little dazed at this point, but agree also to try again. I’m compelled with anticipation. Of what, I don’t know? So we all moved around and started again. But this time I was very aware what is going on, and boy am I glad I was! One of the BEST experiences I have ever had paranormally started rearing up. It starts for me when Julie calls me over cause she felt uneasy, so I ran over to comfort her while she’s snapping pics for a few moments. As she finishes up we move a little closer to the group (very quietly). As I sit with my equipment and settle down this odd cold breeze passes me on my right it made me tingle, almost dizzy. But there was no wind, no weather issues outside and the chill seemed to go through me very different from a cold breeze. It passed very quick, and then all my stuff shut off; digital camera/video camera other night shot camcorder. All at the same damn time. “That’s nuts!” Then someone says “my camera shut off”, then someone else said same thing! Like 5 people at this time said that there equipment shut off and felt the breeze and felt weird. All I could think was “this is insane!” If u want hear the outcome of the story you will have to check out our blog and website at the links below. You can listen to the March 28th Podcast of the radio show where the bonus show details what happened WITH AUDIO. You can always catch me in our chat room Monday night’s during the radio show and I would be happy to tell you person-to-person what happened. To put it down on paper just won’t do it justice.
Thanks for readingChristopher BVisions Into The Past – ParaPsychic Consultants; Lead Investigation Developerwww.visionsintothepast.comBLOG: www.visionsintothepast.blogspot.comPodcast: www.visionsintothepast.podbean.comOn iTunes: visionsintothepast
For more information and everyone else’s experiences check out the Visions Into The Past “Eastern State” page which will be continually evolving with more information, video, audio and experiences as they come in. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Eastern State Penitentiary - Cellblock 4 Mass Event

Special Thanks to Tom of Quiet Hour Paranormal for submitting this perfect audio of the event multiple teams experienced simultaneously. More writing will explain in later posts but I'll try to sum up what's going on;

Chris, (Visions Into The Past; Tech/Lead Investigation Procedure Developer) decided to take the team down to Cell block 4 towards the end of the Investigation night at the request of our team member Julie (Visions Into The Past; Spirit Photographer). Chris had a great idea to stretch out 10 people covering all 3 teams attending this event throughout Cell block 4 to perform one last large EVP session to end the night together. So everyone separated individually a few cell doors apart, sat down, and one by one with minutes between began asking questions. The voice you hear is Carl (Visions Into The Past; Lead Investigator/Medium) explaining the iOvilus application on the iPhone. As soon as you hear his partner (me *sorry about that in advance*) say "CARL! Shut Up!" with a little chuckle the entire area around us starts to vibrate, shake, pulse, with something blowing out from each cell (mind you there are NO vents in these cells, No windows) in front of Carl, Tom (Quiet Hour), Myself, Chris (VIP), Sue (PACC), And Chris (PACC). We distinctly hear what appears to be interpreted as large running footsteps overhead while others thought of a train running right past us. After the event subsides (about 10 seconds long), the group mentioned above all head to the far end to consult with the other teams, the end we went to was the one the sound appeared (to us, at least) to be emanating from. Listen to the clip below to hear what we heard;

NO ONE HEARD ANYTHING. No one knew what happened to us and no one had any idea we heard anything. Just as we were trying to explain this to everyone some sort of Morse code style beeping came across the radios. Everyone that had one was down the hall with us and the only other one was back at base camp. Laura (PACC) , who was monitoring base camp at the end of the night with the remaining 5 members and guards, checked in to see who was beeping....We all heard the same beeping but no one could cause it. The Radios don't have a feature to beep Morse code like that. So we are curious IF it says anything.

Above is the reaction of the entire team as we checked in to hear what they heard. Leave your feedback and let us know what you hear, what you think. Keep in mind there was NO wind, No one else investigating other areas, complete silence.....

Is this a great EVP? Or something explainable? What do YOU think?

Friday, March 25, 2011

ESP - Submission from Tom of Quiet Hour Paranormal

Tom, co-founder of Quiet Hour Paranormal, was one of developers of the Eastern State Penitentiary event that Visions Into The Past, Quiet Hour Paranormal and Paranormal Association Of Central CT attended on March 19th. Tom had some wild experiences at Eastern State and has been going through lots of potential evidence posting it to his followers to see what the general opinion is. He sent our team a brief summary of the event that occurred at the end of the night among 10 team members covering all 3 teams that attended the event. I'm sure more posts will be coming through as people get a chance to evaluate their photos, video and audio. As more information comes in, I will post it here. And be sure to check out the Visions Into The Past - Eastern State page for more info (should be updated this weekend with LOTS of info). For now, enjoy the submission from Tom.

Eastern State Penitentiary - Tom; Quiet Hour Paranormal     I had a great experience this weekend. I went with my brother who is co-organizer of Quiet Hour, my friends from Visions into the Past and Paranormal Association of Central CT to an investigation at Eastern State penitentiary in Philly and had an experience I will never forget. At the end of the evening 10 of us were down cell block 4...Suddenly there was this extremely loud banging, a sense of things vibrating and the old wooden doors that were rolled across the metal ones at one time were each banged on. I first heard the one next to me banged then the next..The noise seemed to travel from one end of the block to the other and it was loud. You could have heard it from one end to the other.  My first thoughts were "Something powerful is coming”. When it was over my first words were "what the hell was that", another person Mike who heard it said the same thing...Funny part is my brother and several others heard nothing. I know of 4 that heard it including myself. We said to the others did you hear that noise and they said "What noise?" They were at the end of the block...There was such a feeling of power in this I cannot explain. It made me want to do this even more now, because I want that experience again.
Tom S. - InvestigatorQuiet Hour Paranormal

ESP - Submission from "Bear"; Visions Into The Past

The following detailed story is one I just received from our team member Bear. He's an awesome Partner I've been with a few years now and I know how passionate he is about paranormal investigating and most importantly; conducting them properly! Take a read at what he experienced personally at Eastern State Penitentiary. For more information on "Bear" check out the team Bio's on Visions Into The Past. Be sure to check out the upcoming Visions Into The Past Page on Eastern State Penitentiary as it will be continually updating as more feedback comes in.

Eastern State Penitentiary – Carl Flagg
     As you pull up to Eastern State Penitentiary all you can see is the massive walls and towers. The dark, almost black, stones that make up the walls are both intimidating and eerily magnificent. The main gate reminds you of a medieval castle. The cast iron gate stands tall and strong, a reminder of the deep dark past of the prison and the spirits locked within. All of this before we entered through the gates. As we waited for our guides to let us in you could feel the tension in all of us. We were all excited about the investigation, each aware of the dark feeling from the start. Like an evil eye watching our every move.
     Once through the gate, each team started setting up equipment. It was oddly quiet during this time. The whole process went like clockwork and in no time we split up into groups and got down to work. Our team began with a tour of the East wall. As we headed to the punishment cells (Cellblock 13) I felt a great sadness come over me, as we walked down the cell block I can see the eyes of the prisoners peeking between the bars. After a short walk we arrived at the Klondike otherwise known as the punishment cells or “The Hole” a.k.a Solitary Confinement, where we began descending underground into a long dark hall with only our flashlights to guide us. The hall was filled with pipes, a row of cells along the right wall were very small and you would have to crawl on hands and knees to enter them. The feeling was dismal, you could almost hear the whimpering of the men that were forced to stay in the Klondike, as we learned; sometimes up to a month. The hall was a dead end with a Plexiglas window to see the opposite end. I took several photographs of the window; some from about 3 feet away and others were taken with the camera against the window. The photos with the camera up to the window clearly show the pipes along the hall, yet it was not enough light to see the end of the hall. The other photos are more interesting, all were taken from about the same place and angle. The first shows a white mass on the window, the second showed the same mass moving forward. The following ones show the mass in a completely different shape. Some of the team members did an EVP session before heading back outside; I have not heard the EVP session’s results yet. As we walked away from the Klondike I couldn't help but to feel sorry for anyone that was forced to spend any amount of time in that dark cold place.
     Walking into Death Row (Cellblock 14) was a frightening experience. In your brain, fear takes over and you don't know what to expect. The air was stale; the room was creepy as the shadows danced on the walls. The only sounds came from our cameras and footsteps as we moved into the hall. Though mostly caged off for the safety of the public (because of deteriorating and crumbling walls), Death Row has several cells that looked more like shower stalls with bars I think the most overwhelming feeling was the scene of nothingness in the building, no sounds, no air, the place was dead. I couldn't wait to get outside and get some air.
I was drawn to what looked like a greenhouse; it called out to me as if it wanted to tell me its story. We asked about entering it, but our guide informed us that it was not safe; I look forward to returning to the green house area on our next.
    As we headed back to regroup in the center, we entered cell block 2 directly from the outside. The cell block was clean and dimly light by the full moon peeking through the skylights. We slowly moved down the long hall, stopping at each cell to take photographs and to get a general feeling from each one.  Julie and I were about 2 cells ahead of the rest of the group when I got a feeling, an angry feeling move past Julie and myself. I believe we both commented on it. Seconds later we hear a loud bang, like a pipe hitting a solid wall. Shannon yelled out as we all ran to see if she was OK. Shannon was visibly shaken and could hardly stand. As first she couldn't even tell us what was wrong. We walked her to a bench and sat her down, she explained she poked her head into one of the cells and at that very moment something hit the wall next to her face, the very sound we all heard at the same time. After Shannon and the rest of us regrouped we went back to our task and met up with the group in the rotunda for round 2 of our investigation. This time we’re headed to the third floor of the infamous Cellblock 12.
After a short break our Guide informs us that it's time to head to the third floor of cell block 12! This is the place everyone was looking forward to spending quality time. Our guide unlocked the gate and we filed up stairs. We had full access to everything on the floor; we could enter the cells and close the doors. As we drifted around the cell block, one cell stood out to me much more than the rest. As I was walking around the cell I could hear the rest of the group doing a ghost box session down at the opposite end of the cellblock. I decided to shut the heavy door for a moment and to my surprise the small cell became warm and calm. I opened the cell door and the cold air rushed past me filling the room. I walked around the cell block again just as a second ghost box session started at the far end of the cell block. I ran into Mike and asked him to return to the cell I was in earlier. I found the cell and sat on a small green bench, I placed my flashlight on a small table facing up to light up the space. I asked Mike to close the door to the cell and he sat on a second bench. I continued to set up my voice recorder and the ghost touch. I also turned on my iOvilus app on my phone; we sat back and introduced ourselves to the room. Once again the room was warm and quiet, we could hardly hear the ghost box session down the hall, it was almost as if we were in a soundproof room all of the sudden. I asked many questions during our session; when we asked for a name we heard “Russ”, he said “blood” “Melody” “complete storm and hate”. We asked why he was in prison and it said “Doctor White” and “Murder” and “confess” and “Doctor”. To Mike and I it sounded like Russ was confessing to a murder of a doctor “Dr. white” and possibly a woman named Melody. I hope to find more information when we review the EVP recordings. We hear a great deal of commotion from the far end of the hall so we packed up to see if they needed help. Once again a cold rush into the room, the temperature change was very noticeable. I want you to know that there where many more experiences on the 12th floor. And even more to talk about regarding Cellblock 4 as well as our tour during the day. And I will write more as I get to process everything and get it all on paper.
     I'm going to end my story at this point for now. Check back soon! More to come!!
BEAR, Medium/Investigator
Visions Into The Past – ParaPsychic Consultants

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

VIP Eastern State Penitentiary Investigation 03-19-11

You read that right; Visions Into The Past was involved in an investigation this past week at Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia PA. We were grouped with two amazing teams; Quiet Hour Paranormal and PACC (Paranormal Association of Central CT). Please feel free to click any of the above links to learn more about the location or the teams we were honored to work with.

To hear the reaction Podcast published Monday 03-21/11 CLICK HERE or subscribe through iTunes "visionsintothepast"

In the next couple weeks I will be working to upload content submitted to me from the various team members we have worked with. The best part about investigating Eastern State Penitentiary this past weekend is that everyone there had a unique unexplainable experience they can call their own and in a very questionable moment, there was an event that affected a large group of people that we still cannot explain. You will see more posts here about it in the near future. Keep an eye on the Visions Into The Past - Eastern State page for more updates.
