Friday, March 25, 2011

ESP - Submission from Tom of Quiet Hour Paranormal

Tom, co-founder of Quiet Hour Paranormal, was one of developers of the Eastern State Penitentiary event that Visions Into The Past, Quiet Hour Paranormal and Paranormal Association Of Central CT attended on March 19th. Tom had some wild experiences at Eastern State and has been going through lots of potential evidence posting it to his followers to see what the general opinion is. He sent our team a brief summary of the event that occurred at the end of the night among 10 team members covering all 3 teams that attended the event. I'm sure more posts will be coming through as people get a chance to evaluate their photos, video and audio. As more information comes in, I will post it here. And be sure to check out the Visions Into The Past - Eastern State page for more info (should be updated this weekend with LOTS of info). For now, enjoy the submission from Tom.

Eastern State Penitentiary - Tom; Quiet Hour Paranormal     I had a great experience this weekend. I went with my brother who is co-organizer of Quiet Hour, my friends from Visions into the Past and Paranormal Association of Central CT to an investigation at Eastern State penitentiary in Philly and had an experience I will never forget. At the end of the evening 10 of us were down cell block 4...Suddenly there was this extremely loud banging, a sense of things vibrating and the old wooden doors that were rolled across the metal ones at one time were each banged on. I first heard the one next to me banged then the next..The noise seemed to travel from one end of the block to the other and it was loud. You could have heard it from one end to the other.  My first thoughts were "Something powerful is coming”. When it was over my first words were "what the hell was that", another person Mike who heard it said the same thing...Funny part is my brother and several others heard nothing. I know of 4 that heard it including myself. We said to the others did you hear that noise and they said "What noise?" They were at the end of the block...There was such a feeling of power in this I cannot explain. It made me want to do this even more now, because I want that experience again.
Tom S. - InvestigatorQuiet Hour Paranormal

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