Monday, March 28, 2011

Eastern State Penitentiary - Cellblock 4 Mass Event

Special Thanks to Tom of Quiet Hour Paranormal for submitting this perfect audio of the event multiple teams experienced simultaneously. More writing will explain in later posts but I'll try to sum up what's going on;

Chris, (Visions Into The Past; Tech/Lead Investigation Procedure Developer) decided to take the team down to Cell block 4 towards the end of the Investigation night at the request of our team member Julie (Visions Into The Past; Spirit Photographer). Chris had a great idea to stretch out 10 people covering all 3 teams attending this event throughout Cell block 4 to perform one last large EVP session to end the night together. So everyone separated individually a few cell doors apart, sat down, and one by one with minutes between began asking questions. The voice you hear is Carl (Visions Into The Past; Lead Investigator/Medium) explaining the iOvilus application on the iPhone. As soon as you hear his partner (me *sorry about that in advance*) say "CARL! Shut Up!" with a little chuckle the entire area around us starts to vibrate, shake, pulse, with something blowing out from each cell (mind you there are NO vents in these cells, No windows) in front of Carl, Tom (Quiet Hour), Myself, Chris (VIP), Sue (PACC), And Chris (PACC). We distinctly hear what appears to be interpreted as large running footsteps overhead while others thought of a train running right past us. After the event subsides (about 10 seconds long), the group mentioned above all head to the far end to consult with the other teams, the end we went to was the one the sound appeared (to us, at least) to be emanating from. Listen to the clip below to hear what we heard;

NO ONE HEARD ANYTHING. No one knew what happened to us and no one had any idea we heard anything. Just as we were trying to explain this to everyone some sort of Morse code style beeping came across the radios. Everyone that had one was down the hall with us and the only other one was back at base camp. Laura (PACC) , who was monitoring base camp at the end of the night with the remaining 5 members and guards, checked in to see who was beeping....We all heard the same beeping but no one could cause it. The Radios don't have a feature to beep Morse code like that. So we are curious IF it says anything.

Above is the reaction of the entire team as we checked in to hear what they heard. Leave your feedback and let us know what you hear, what you think. Keep in mind there was NO wind, No one else investigating other areas, complete silence.....

Is this a great EVP? Or something explainable? What do YOU think?

1 comment:

  1. PLEASE NOTE! I notice there is problems listening to the audio/video. After the radio show tonight this will be looked into. Sorry for the delay/inconvenience.
